当前位置:青年生活网 > 游戏天地 > 【洛城里】帕金斯现役5大状元:詹欧眉文华!球迷:2大状元排第9


北京时间3月28日凌晨,帕金斯在《NBA TODAY》节目中评选出自己心中现役五大状元,分别是詹姆斯、欧文、浓眉、文班亚马和爱德华兹,引来热议,一起来看看球迷如何评论!

Some days… I think Perk is the only person who understands the nuances of the game of basketball.

Other days, I wonder if Perk has ever seen or heard of the game of basketball.

Today… is an “other day.”

有些时候......我觉得帕金斯是唯一了解篮球运动细微差别的人,其他时候 我怀疑他是否见过 或者听说过篮球比赛。今天... 就是 "其他时候"。

Wemby is NOT better that Ant Man yet, otherwise great list.


The Cavs could've won a few more after Durant left GS had Kyrie and LeBron stayed...coulda woulda shoulda, I guess


2 of the best 1 overall picks 9 seed in the play in over edwards


Anyone with an issue with this list just hates the players for inpidual reasons that don’t even make sense… literally give me a better 5 of active #1 picks and lmk where and what was wrong

任何对这份名单有异议的人,都只是出于一些毫无意义的个人原因而讨厌这些球员......请给我一份更好的 5 位现役状元的名单,并告诉我哪里出错了,错在哪里。

Paolo over Wemby. He doesn't have a full season and is at the bottom of the standings. Paolo in his second season has the Magic competing for a top 3 seed


Edwards should be replace Kyrie he has more win shares over Kyrie lol


why does this clown get so much bandwidth on social media… I can’t think of one sane or coherent blurb from his mouth!


That's all Perk's shtick is.. come up with the most annoying takes, right or wrong doesn't matter. The goal is for it to be ridiculous. No one who knows hoops takes him seriously.


Unpopular opinion: kyrie greater than ant all time


Ant is 2 , leading his team to a potential 1 seed in the west while wemby is leading his team to another lottery pick


Still can’t believe 6 teams passed on curry


How a dude with a team not in the playoffs picture in front of the leader of the 3rd seed in the west ?


It's really amazing Markelle Fultz and Ben Simmons are busts


Wemby ain’t done nothing but win 16 games wtf is wrong with perk

文班除了赢了 16 场比赛,什么都没做,帕金斯到底怎么了?

So anybody that disagree with his list drop yours and see what people think of yours


For the love of God! What has Kyrie done to be known as anything else but an average player. Take away his years with LBJ and he has had an average career.


What pick was Zion ?


Why is this even a thing right now???....ESPN just looking for a way to slide LBJ name in the headlines to get clicks and views...I bet even LEBRON gets tired of watching his name flying across the screen all the time on ESPN....

为什么现在还有这种事?....ESPN 只是在想方设法将詹姆斯的名字放在头条,以获得点击率和浏览量。我敢打赌,即使是詹姆斯自己也厌倦了在 ESPN 上总是看到他的名字在屏幕上飞来飞去....。

none of these guys better than ant currently






北京时间3月28日凌晨,帕金斯在《NBA TODAY》节目中评选出自己心中现役五大状元,分别是詹姆斯、欧文、浓眉、文班亚马和爱德华兹,引来热议,一起来看看球迷如何评论!

Some days… I think Perk is the only person who understands the nuances of the game of basketball.

Other days, I wonder if Perk has ever seen or heard of the game of basketball.

Today… is an “other day.”

有些时候......我觉得帕金斯是唯一了解篮球运动细微差别的人,其他时候 我怀疑他是否见过 或者听说过篮球比赛。今天... 就是 "其他时候"。

Wemby is NOT better that Ant Man yet, otherwise great list.


The Cavs could've won a few more after Durant left GS had Kyrie and LeBron stayed...coulda woulda shoulda, I guess


2 of the best 1 overall picks 9 seed in the play in over edwards


Anyone with an issue with this list just hates the players for inpidual reasons that don’t even make sense… literally give me a better 5 of active #1 picks and lmk where and what was wrong

任何对这份名单有异议的人,都只是出于一些毫无意义的个人原因而讨厌这些球员......请给我一份更好的 5 位现役状元的名单,并告诉我哪里出错了,错在哪里。

Paolo over Wemby. He doesn't have a full season and is at the bottom of the standings. Paolo in his second season has the Magic competing for a top 3 seed


Edwards should be replace Kyrie he has more win shares over Kyrie lol


why does this clown get so much bandwidth on social media… I can’t think of one sane or coherent blurb from his mouth!


That's all Perk's shtick is.. come up with the most annoying takes, right or wrong doesn't matter. The goal is for it to be ridiculous. No one who knows hoops takes him seriously.


Unpopular opinion: kyrie greater than ant all time


Ant is 2 , leading his team to a potential 1 seed in the west while wemby is leading his team to another lottery pick


Still can’t believe 6 teams passed on curry


How a dude with a team not in the playoffs picture in front of the leader of the 3rd seed in the west ?


It's really amazing Markelle Fultz and Ben Simmons are busts


Wemby ain’t done nothing but win 16 games wtf is wrong with perk

文班除了赢了 16 场比赛,什么都没做,帕金斯到底怎么了?

So anybody that disagree with his list drop yours and see what people think of yours


For the love of God! What has Kyrie done to be known as anything else but an average player. Take away his years with LBJ and he has had an average career.


What pick was Zion ?


Why is this even a thing right now???....ESPN just looking for a way to slide LBJ name in the headlines to get clicks and views...I bet even LEBRON gets tired of watching his name flying across the screen all the time on ESPN....

为什么现在还有这种事?....ESPN 只是在想方设法将詹姆斯的名字放在头条,以获得点击率和浏览量。我敢打赌,即使是詹姆斯自己也厌倦了在 ESPN 上总是看到他的名字在屏幕上飞来飞去....。

none of these guys better than ant currently




